As one of the largest countries in the world, America is home of top-rated tourist attractions in the world. American tourism industry has 1.5 trillion USD share in America GDP.  Here is the list of top 25 tourist attractions in United estates of America.

Best Tourist Attractions in America

Mount Rushmore

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Los Angeles

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Statue of Liberty: New York

New Orleans

San Francisco

Times Square: New York

Navy Pier in Chicago

Venice Beach in Los Angeles


Grand Canyon National Park: Arizona

Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Carlsbad Caverns

Las Vegas

Walt Disney World in Orlando

Mesa Verde


Zion National Park: Utah

Washington, D.C.

Hollywood Sign: Los Angeles

Niagara Falls, New York


Denali National Park

Mall of America: Bloomington, Minnesota

Gateway Arch: St. Louis


Space Needle: Seattle

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