In the wake of a pandemic that severely limited our vacation options, ‘staycations’ became a beloved, worldwide phenomenon. Essentially, ‘staycation’ refers to a vacation from the comfort of home! You don’t have to travel far, and nor do you have to spend much money. But, you might be wondering, if vacations are supposed to be a change of pace from home, how do ‘staycations’ work?

There are so many ways to freshen up a ‘staycation’ so that you, and your fellow vacationers, can remain entertained and recharged. If you’re worried about getting bored specifically, we’ve found 6 ways to make a ‘staycation’ a little bit more interesting! Don’t wait to read on, and get ‘staycation-ing’ the right way.

Sign Up to Learn Something New

If you want something interesting to do on this ‘staycation,’ we’d always recommend signing up for something you’ve never done before. Why not take a pottery-making class or a lesson from a personal chef? Learning new skills during your ‘staycation’ could benefit you massively in the long run.

Invest Time in Your Favorite Hobbies

Working all week leaves very little time for our favorite hobbies. Squeeze the most out of your ‘staycation’ by investing this precious spare time in the things you love to do. This could be writing a novel, creating stunning pieces of artwork, running around the neighborhood, or simply watching TV!

Book Into a Local Hotel

A night away from home, even to a local hotel, makes the world of difference for freshening up your ‘staycation.’ A change in environment will be a welcome change of pace for you, particularly if you’ve never stayed overnight in a local hotel before. Make sure to use all the most favored amenities, the gym, round-the-clock room service, scrumptious breakfast buffet, and indoor pool included!

Explore Your Town Like a Tourist

You surely know your town like the back of your hand. Unfortunately, this means you stop seeing interesting local sights as something fun or exciting! Explore your town as a tourist would, looking for events or activities that you haven’t tried as a resident. Your official town website should have some thrilling touristy activities up for grabs!

Disconnect From the Internet

We’re on our phones 24/7, constantly messaging or scrolling, or taking pictures. This means our minds never turn off! Your ‘staycation’ is the perfect time to try detoxing from anything online, and disconnect yourself from the internet entirely. Turn off your phone or laptop and consider spending some quiet time reading a book, or practicing a creative hobby.

Pamper Yourself

Pampering ourselves at a local spa or salon isn’t usually something many of us have the time or money to do! Accordingly, it becomes a rare treat to do on your ‘staycation,’ and makes your time off seem truly special – even if you’ve only walked down the road!
If you do get tired of staying at home, there are ways to ‘spice up’ your vacations without breaking the bank. Consider P&O Cruises, for example. Traveling around the world has never been so accessible; with rooms available at a variety of different price points, and stunning views always guaranteed, a cruise means that you’ll always be on the go, but with the comforts of home only a suite away.

Read Also: Top 10 Tips for Travelling With A Baby

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