Even though most jobs nowadays come with the benefit of paid vacation, London Trip days, many workers admit to not taking all their holiday leave. In fact, only 75% of workers in the UK say that they take all or almost all of their paid vacation, the remaining 25% mainly citing the excuse that they don’t have time to take a break.

Taking time off work is crucial for your mental health. Without taking breaks from work, or taking a few hours to yourself, you might be more at risk of a burnout. However, even if you feel that you don’t have time to have a holiday as you have too much work, there are a few different ways in which you can combine work and relaxation on your next business trip.

With this in mind, here are some top tips to make your London trip a healthy mixture of business and pleasure.

1. Take time to Explore What the City has to Offer

Though it might be tempting to stay in your hotel room and do some extra work, take advantage of your time in London, and explore what the city has to offer.

2. Book Vacation Time Either Side of your Work Trip

If you already have a business trip planned to London, and you don’t think you will get the chance to explore, schedule time on either side of your work trip to make the most of being away.

3. Stay in an Ideal Location

Choose your hotel or resort wisely, opting for a location with a gym, good transport links, and a bar. After all, no one wants to have a long commute after their business meetings – especially if there’s not a way to let off steam or an ice-cold pint of beer waiting at the end! The Dorsett Hotel, City boats all these advantages, plus a 24-hour restaurant so that you can maximise your time in London, and really relax, rejuvenate, and revel.

4. Plan well in Advance to Make the Most of your Time

Make sure to schedule your itinerary with a goal in mind. Pack your schedule full of things that make you happy, whether that’s shopping, browsing museums, or taking in the local sights. By planning in advance, this allows you to take advantage of advance ticket bookings and any discounts that come with it.

5. Keep your Business and Pleasure Separate

In the US, 52% of adults admit to checking their work messages and emails during their holidays, and only 24% agree that they never do this. However, checking your emails when you should be relaxing can stop you from fully enjoying your time away. Therefore, make sure to keep your times for business and pleasure completely separate.

At the end of every day, remember to make yourself a priority. Though some people may like an active trip to London, others may prefer to take it easy. To make sure that your London trip is a healthy mixture of business and pleasure, always listen to what your body is telling you, and be sure to have fun.

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