We are so fond of parading our manicured nails and the last thing anyone wants is a nail infection. Nail infection is a fungal infection on one or more nails that usually begins in the form of a yellow or white spot under the tip of the nail. As the fungus spreads deeper into the nails, it can lead to discoloration on the nails. Fungal infections can turn out to be potentially painful and have an ugly problem. So, it is always better to prevent fungal nail infections, than to take measures after the infection. Many of them can be avoided if appropriate precautions are taken.

The most common nail infection is onychomycosis, which occurs when fungi attack the nail or the nail or the skin under the nail. It is an infection that usually does not cause pain unless it is treated and left to spread. Its symptoms are thickening, swelling, inflammation, crumbling like a yellow nail. If not treated immediately, it can lead to splitting, cracking, and nail loss. In severe cases, nail the scissors away from the bed and it will come off completely.

The Fungus That Causes Nail Infection Thrives Under the Following Conditions…

  • Abnormalities in skin pH levels
  • An immune system that has weakened
  • Continuous or prolonged exposure of the nail to a moist environment
  • Diabetes
  • Poor hygiene

Onychomycosis can be transmitted from person to person, either through direct contact or through contact with commonly used shoes, floors, and other personal items, such as wood files. The athletic feet can lead to fungal infections. Shoes that are firm or damp and let air out can lead to a fungal infection.

Few Ways Infections Can Be Contracted

A blow to the nail causes it to rise far from the nail, which in turn allows moisture to enter and allows bacteria to multiply. Poorly applied artificial nail tip encourages germination. Salons that have sub-standard products. Athletic foot yes if not effectively treated can extend to the nails. Use the gymnasium or public pool without any foot protection. Biting results in rips and tears and bleeding of the skin, allowing germs to enter which can cause nail infection.

Having a low immune system can also increase the incidence of fungal infections. As mentioned earlier, the infection should be treated quickly to avoid its spread. The good news is that nail fungus treatment is very easy. You do not need expensive medicines and ointments because there are many home remedies that can be used to effectively and cheaply treat nail fungus.

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Home Remedies For Nail Fungus

Here are some of the best tried and tested home remedies for nail fungus used by people around the world:

1. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

PO ACD has acidic properties that are mild and is known to prevent the spread of nail fungus. It kills fungi and bacteria. What you need to do is take equal parts of water and apple cider vinegar and soak your infected nail in it for half an hour every day. When soaked, dry your nails and feet completely. Do this until the infection disappears. Apple cider vinegar is one of the most famous remedies used to treat nail fungus. This powerful treatment has prevented infection in many people.

2. Rice Flour – Nail Fungus

Another effective way to use apple cider vinegar is to mix it with ground rice flour. It gives you an exfoliating scrub that is antifungal. It is necessary to apply the paste and gently wipe the affected nail. It will help a lot 2 to 3 times a week.

3. Tea Tree Oil – Fingernail Fungus

This vegetable oil has both antifungal and antiseptic properties that are effective in treating nail fungus. All you have to do is mix a few drops of oil with coconut or olive oil. Take a cotton ball and apply the mixture to the affected nail. Wait about 10 minutes and gently wipe the nail with a brush. You can do this 2 TO3 times a day to get the best results.

4. Baking Soda – Nail Fungus Treatment

You can use baking soda to treat nail fungus, as well as eliminate foot odor at the same time. All you need is 4 cups of warm water mixed with ½ a cup of baking soda, ¼ cups of 3% hydrogen peroxide, and ½ cups of bitter salt. When properly mixed, add ¼ cup of white vinegar. Next, soak the infected nail for about 10 minutes and rinse with clean water. Do it twice a day for effective results.

5. White Vinegar

Many people recommend white vinegar as a remedy for nail fungus because it helps fight infections and restores the pH balance of the skin. What you need to do is mix 2 parts of warm water with 1 part of white vinegar. Soak the nail in this solution for about 15 minutes, then rinse. Make sure to dry the infected nail properly. You can do this 2 times a day to effectively treat the fungus.

6. Oregano Oil

This oil is known for its effectiveness in treating nail fungus. This is because it has analgesic, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, antiseptic, and antiparasitic properties. All you have to do is mix a teaspoon of olive oil with a few drops of oregano oil. Apply it to the affected areas and leave it for half an hour. Next, rinse and make sure you dry your nails properly. You can do this twice a day for about 3 weeks for the best results.

7. Listerine Mouthwash

Alcohol and other compounds present in this mouthwash are antiseptic, which allows it to keep mold and bacteria. Fill a small bowl with Listerine and soak your affected nail in it for about half an hour. Gently wipe the nail. Next, rinse and dry the infected nail thoroughly. You can do this twice a day to prevent the infection from spreading. After a few weeks, you may begin to notice a change in your nail.

8. Listerine Mouthwash and White Vinegar

All you have to do is mix equal parts of white vinegar and rinse your mouth. Soak the affected area in it for 30 minutes and wipe the nail gently. Rinse the solution off and dry the affected nail thoroughly. This can also be done twice a day to ensure that the infection does not spread. Many people swear by this medicine, so it is necessary to try it.

9. Garlic Oil

Garlic has compounds such as ajoene and allicin, which are known to have strong antifungal properties. Mix equal parts of olive and garlic oil and apply it on the nail and the area around it. Use a bandage to cover it and leave it for a few hours. Repeat this every day until the infection heals. You should also eat more raw garlic to allow its properties to destroy the fungus inside.

10. Use of Lemon Juice for Nail Fungus

This juice has antifungal and antiseptic properties. The citric acid content of the fruit will prevent the infection from spreading. All you have to do is apply fresh lemon juice to the infected nail and leave it for half an hour or so. Next, rinse with warm water and dry. This is how many times you can do what you want in one day. The results will be visible in a few weeks.

11. Olive Oil – Nail Fungus Treatment

Another home remedy you can try is a solution of lemon juice and olive oil. Mix equal parts of juice and oil and apply it to the affected nail and gently massage it. Leave the mixture for a few hours before rinsing and drying. The infection will be controlled by lemon juice, while olive oil will give you soft and smooth skin.

12. Lavender Oil – Fingernail Fungus

These oils have antiseptic properties that are effective in treating infections. It also prevents skin irritation. You need 5 drops each of lavender oil and tea tree oil. Use a cotton ball to apply to the infected nail as well as the area around it. After leaving it for 10 minutes or so, rinse and dry the affected areas. You can repeat these 2 to 3 times a day to prevent the infection from spreading and slowly cure it.

13. Orange Oil

Orange oil has powerful antifungal properties, which makes it ideal for treating nail fungus. Some people who are allergic to orange oil do a small test by applying it to a small piece of skin before using it as a medicine. All that is needed is to apply oil on the water and under the nail, as well as between the fingers, with a dropper. Leave it for half an hour, then rinse and dry. This medicine can be repeated 2 to 3 times a day.

14. Grape Seed Oil

For those with sensitive skin, you can mix equal parts of orange and grape seed oil to treat nail fungus. Leave the mixture on the affected nail, as well as around it for 30 minutes or so. Repeat this twice or thrice a day.

15. Vicks Steam Rub

Every morning and evening, pour a little white vinegar on infected nails and apply tea tree oil. Seal this mixture in with Vicks Steam Rub. Use this medicine for a few months and you will see that the infection is cured and new nails will grow soon after.

16. Salt

This is a simple remedy that will help you to cure your infected nail immensely. Mix the two ingredients together and rub or soak your feet for about 5 minutes. Then, dry the nail. Repeat this method 2 times a day and watch how it helps the nail to fight the fungal infection.

17. Alcohol

Take 70% isopropyl alcohol and fill a 4-ounce dropper with it. Apply 2 drops of alcohol to the infected nail every morning and evening. You will feel that the infection has healed after a few months. Many people who suffer from nail fungus prefer this remedy because it is less dirty than the benefits of vinegar. 18. Vitamin E oil This oil is known to effectively treat nail fungus. All you have to do is rub the oil and massage the affected nail gently. I do this every day and you are sure to get great results in a short period of time.

18. Luke

Believe it or not, garlic can be an effective remedy for nail fungus. Slice the onion and make one of the slices and rub it lightly on the infected nails. Repeat this every day to cure the infection after a few months.

19. Turmeric Powder

Turmeric paste can do wonders for nail fungus treatment. All you need to do is apply the paste to the affected nail and leave it to dry completely. When it dries, rinse it properly and dry the nail thoroughly to prevent moisture from exacerbating the infection.

20. Hydrogen Peroxide

For this remedy, mix equal parts of water and 3% hydrogen peroxide and soak the nail in as much as about 20 minutes. Next, rinse the solution from the affected area and dry it properly. Repeat this every day for several months to cure nail fungus infection.

21. Sea Salt – Nail Fungus Treatment

Sea salt is another effective ingredient in home remedies for treating nail fungus. Soak your feet in a bowl of water and sea salt. Make sure to touch the infected nail. You can soak your feet as much as you want. Repeat this daily for great results. If you live near the sea, go for a jump every day and allow your nails to soak into the salty seawater.

22. Hydrogen Peroxide

You can also use salt water soaked in hydrogen peroxide to treat nail fungus. Soak the nail in the solution for about 10 minutes, then apply a little sea salt to it. Leave it on for 3 minutes or so and soak the nail again for about 30 minutes. Repeating this daily will soon cure the infection.

23. Lemongrass oil

Packed with antibacterial and antifungal properties, lemongrass oil is another effective remedy for nail fungus. It controls the spread of the infection and also helps prevent symptoms such as bruising and brittle nails. You should use this oil with other carrier oils, such as grape or coconut oil, to effectively treat the infection.

24. Coconut Oil

This oil has wonderful healing powers. It is anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial. Applying coconut oil on infected nails and gently massaging it daily can help treat nail fungus. It will also heal damaged skin and fight free radicals.

25. Red Pepper

This red pepper paste is well known in the treatment of nail fungus. You can apply the paste to your infected nail and cover it with a bandage. Change the bandage every night after cleansing, apply a little iodine and report it to Harris again.

26. Hot Red Paprika Powder and Olive Oil

Another effective remedy for nail fungus is a mixture of hot red pepper powder and olive oil. It’s pretty messy, but it’s worth it as you’ll see a significant positive impact on infections. In an instant, it will heal and the new nail will soon grow.

27. Bleach Cream

You will need 1 part each bleach and hydrogen peroxide and 10 parts water. Immerse the affected area in this solution for about 10 to 15 minutes each day. It will gradually cure the infection.

28. Neem Oil

Neem oil is known for its strong antifungal properties, which makes it an effective remedy for nail fungus. It will also nourish and moisturize the nail, which allows it to shed its fragile appearance. Massage the oil gently on the affected nail as well as the surrounding area every day and watch how to effectively treat nail infections.

29. Yogurt

Yogurt is a healthy food that is rich in probiotics. Therefore, it is considered to be an effective remedy for fungal infections, including nail fungus. Include it in your daily diet that will slowly help prevent the spread of infection. It will also cure the infection.

30. Cedar Oil, and Thyme

This mixture has helped many people who suffer from nail fungus. It not only controls and cures the infection but also soothes the area around it, eliminates any discomfort. Massage the affected nail daily and you will notice a significant difference in about 6 weeks.

31. Chamomile

Chamomile is known for its many powerful characteristics, especially its ability to calm and soothe the mind. You can use it to treat nail fungus. Take a chamomile tea bag and apply it to the infected nail as a warm compress. They use this medicine two or three times a day to get positive results. What are you waiting for? Try it today and offer goodbye to the naked fungus!

32. Olive Leaf Extract

Known as a “natural antibiotic”, olive leaf extract has properties that allow it to kill any fungus, bacteria, viruses, etc. It is considered to be one of the best remedies for nail fungus. This kills the fungus that causes the infection from the inside, ensuring that your risk of developing it again is significantly reduced to a minimum. In addition to treating nail fungus, it will destroy other harmful parasites in your body, making it healthier.

33. Essential fatty acids

This much-needed nutrient is very helpful when it comes to catching health. You can find fatty acids in fatty fish, evening primrose oil, etc. Add it to your daily diet in the form of foods or supplements that are available on the market. As it increases the intake of fatty acids, your nail fungus will heal and when a new nail grows, it will be healthy.

34. Vicks Steam Rub

Many people with nail fungus swear by this remedy. One of the most effective methods for using Steam Rub is to apply it to the affected nail and cover it with a bandage. Leave it overnight and allow the vapor to be absorbed without air. This kills the fungi that cause infections more efficiently and faster. It’s definitely worth a try.

35. Garlic with Vinegar

Take a few cloves of garlic, crush them nicely and correctly and add vinegar to it. Soak endangered nails in the mixture while it is easy to manage and possible. You can also eat a few cloves of garlic as it has anti-fungal properties.

While home remedies for nail fungus infections are effective, you must take certain precautions to avoid complications. Here are some tips to keep in mind if you are planning to use home remedies to treat your infection.

While using oils or other solutions, always patch the test to make sure you do not get any allergic reactions. If you feel like the infection is worse after 2 attempts, try a different medicine. If your skin is sensitive, consult a skin specialist to find out if it is safe to use a nail fungus remedy. Always keep the affected area dry to prevent deterioration. Disinfect and snack and other items you use on your nails to prevent the infection from spreading. Consult your doctor and ask questions about what types of foods are best for your diet while you have nail fungus. Home remedies take time, so be patient while treating nail fungus.

Do not try to peel the damaged nail. Use scissors to carefully remove the nail as the new one starts to grow. The importance of making sure to dry the affected area properly can not emphasize enough as moisture is one of the main causes of nail fungus. Make sure you practice proper personal hygiene to prevent fungus from blooming.

Tips to Avoid Nail Infection

There are many things you can do to reduce the chances of fungal nail infections. You can reduce the chances of developing nail infections by maintaining hygiene and keeping your nails clean and tidy. If your nails are particularly thick around the corners, use a nail file to soften the edges.

Dry your nails after taking a shower; make sure your hands and feet are dry. Dry skin and nails are less likely to become compromised. Apply powder on hands and feet after each shower. Use antifungal ointment for hands and feet after washing thoroughly before going to bed. The best defense against nail infections is to keep your hands clean at all times. You can use anti-fungal sprays, foot powder, and topical lotion in addition to normal Hand Wash. Thorough hand washing is mandatory. Make sure to soap for up to 30 seconds, scrub under the nails, and use warm water to clean the nails.

Wear The Right Socks and Shoes

Nail fungus grows in the dark and moisture, so the more moisture traps inside the sock, the greater the chances of developing nail infections. Wear cotton or wool socks and avoid wearing synthetic sock fibers.

Do not go barefoot in public places and watch out for any cuts or processing that can collect dirt and dust while walking on the roads. This will lead to infection. Wear dry socks and change them twice a day.

Take off your shoes whenever possible and your feet breathe easily. If your shoes get wet or sweaty, let them dry before wearing them. Wear sandals or shoes made of a material that allows moisture to escape and avoid wearing plastic shoes. They don’t spend more time in sport’s shoes. Injury to the nail tips can be one of the biggest factors that lead to nail infections. Choose shoes carefully. Choose low heels. High heels cause pressure on the front of the foot and can lead to infection.

Try to find shoes that do not have a seam inside the shoe, so as not to damage the nails. Make sure the shoes are your size. If the shoes are smaller than your size, they can damage your nails because the foot is moving too much inside the shoe. Wear shower shoes when using the pool and keep dry between uses. They do not share shoes, socks, snacks, or nail files with anyone.

Keep Your Fingers Covered

Wear rubber gloves if you expose your hands to excessive moisture. The garden also promotes nail infections as bacteria that are present in plants can attack small cuts and scratches. Make sure to cover your hands with dirt and bacteria.

Nail Salon

If you want to get a manicure and pedicure, go to a salon that uses sterile instruments. Nail manicures and certain nail products can damage the nail or cuticle, making the nail more susceptible to infection. It is better to keep your nail tools for a manicure session because it will ensure that you will not be contaminated with other people’s bacteria.

If you already have fungal infections in one or more nails, do not use nail polish or any other artificial nails to hide the nail infection as it can trap unwanted moisture and make the situation worse. As nail fungus can be transmitted from person to person, wash your hands after touching infected nails. Last but not least, eat a well-balanced diet, rich in minerals and vitamins, especially vitamin A.


Home remedies are a great way to treat nail mold due to the fact that many of them make use of natural products. Essential oils, herbs, etc., are just some of the main ingredients of these remedies. Bleach and hydrogen peroxide are of course included in the list of effective nail fungus home remedies, but you can give them a pass if you want to stick to only natural products. Many people have found that natural home remedies have helped more than chemical-filled ointments and lotions prescribed by doctors.

Be Patient

As with all-natural remedies, home remedies that are intended for nail fungus can take some time to show results. However, the wait is definitely worth it. When the infection stops and the new nail grows, it will be healthy. It should be borne in mind that proper care of the nails could cause the infection to recur even after it has been treated. As already mentioned, personal hygiene is important and that is how to eat properly. Your diet should contain all the nutrients that help every part of your body, including nails.

Stay Conntected to Tips Related Blogs

If you suffer from nail fungus, you should definitely try these home remedies. The ingredients are most likely out there in your kitchen! If they are not, you can easily find them in stores. With home remedies, you get safe and chemical without treatment. You can save a lot of money at the same time.

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